Mission :
To address the need for diapers, diapering supplies, and period supplies for families of Collin County facing financial hardship or crisis.
Vision :
To eliminate the diaper and period product need in Collin County.
In 2013 after a year-long family project of daily random acts of kindness, paired with a convicting message from the author, speaker, and blogger, Jen Hatmaker at a conference, Helen, our Executive Director, was moved to make a tangible impact in the community. Speaking with non-profit organizations throughout the county, she realized the one recurring need mentioned most was diapers. No state or federal assistance programs provide for diapers, they are expensive for families and non-profits to purchase and storage for organizations was always an issue, so no group was exclusively distributing them. So, with that information and support from friends and family, Baby Booties Diaper Bank was born in November of 2013. As of May 2020, Baby Booties Diaper Bank has distributed over 1.4 million diapers to children in need.