1 in 3 moms in North Texas struggles to provide enough diapers each month for their baby.
The average cost of diapers per baby is $100 each month.
Families cannot buy diapers with food stamps (SNAP).
Your gift helps us purchase diapers through partnerships with The National Diaper Bank Network diaper buying program and Medline Industries. We can buy 3 times as many diapers through our partnerships as someone going to the store.
Making a recurring monthly contribution ensures that families have access to a lifestyle that is sustainable and healthy for years to come. Donors make the mission of Baby Booties Diaper Bank possible and carry the impact made for the thousands of individuals Baby Booties serves.
Matching Gifts
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees. If your company offers a matching gifts program your gift to Baby Booties Diaper Bank could be doubled or even tripled.
Why Donate to Us
- Diapers help a family return to the workforce.
- Diapers improve a senior’s quality of life.
- Diapers allow children to attend school.
- Diapers provide healthy living options.
- Diapers let children enroll in daycare.